Last night we played our first show in half a year. It was at Molly Malone's in Covington KY and it was definitely one of the best venues and best shows we've ever played. Definitely a perfect way to get us back in the swing of things. We played with our bros
Osteoferocious, but also with
Future Trends and Sacred Spirits. I got way sucked in to Sacred Spirits' show because I've been on a shoegaze kick lately and they were definitely kick-ass shoegaze rockers.
A look to the future here: we're playing an after party/dance party for our friend Kevin's wedding June 5th. First off, the fact that he wants us playing at his wedding is just the coolest thing ever. second, check this out:

This is a cute little photo taken the night he proposed... notice anything? Yeah, he's wearing a Tiger Cub shirt. Gets engaged wearing a TC shirt and then has us play at his wedding... KEVIN! YOU RULE!
One last thing.... I found this picture of the twins in one of Kevin's photo albums on facebook. It makes me giggle.