Thursday, June 18, 2009

Demo Extravaganza

I deleted the previous to make this one. It's a list of songs you can download and listen to. Just some progress on where our ideas have been going. 

The latest one I made was "Places". I'll put some perspective into it. In a (fragment that is also a run on) sentence.

Mass transit coinciding with the disco deities dressed in black taking the club by storm and finding a nihilistic properties in the members inhabiting the casual lowlife thus leading to an escape to find some kind of metaphysical shelter within the fast paced reality that is modern Futuristic/Neon/Bladerunner City, USA, North America, Planet Earth, Milky Way Galaxy, Sector 23423-XH, Universe Parallel with Gotham City in Batman, the Christopher Nolan one, sorry Tim Burton.

Tell us what you think!


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Summer Plans- in Twillinois

As the close to room temperature summer days come and go in northern illinois, what in the world are the twins doing?
taylor is most likely working overtime at Cantigny Park.
i am most likely puttering around Wheaton College in a daze from 8-4.
but on very special days on the weekends, taylor and i have nothing to do.
so we record music, think out new ideas, watch a youtube video or two, maybe read a book.

Taylor's reading list- Manual for Yamaha CP 25

Jamison's reading list- the Master and Margerita

Taylor loves nonfiction. but maybe we'll go to pitchfork, maybe we'll go to deastro's sure-to-be-awesome show in indianapolis june 28. maybe i'll go to the dunes. taylor will most likely go on a bike ride.
we are all really excited about this fall where maybe we'll record a nice full length, maybe we'll play a considerate amount of shows, and maybe stephen will buy a dog.

i hope to the several people that read this blog that you all have nice summers.
if anyone in on the illinoise (why call it illinois? there are so many other fun possibilities!) end wants to hang out with taylor and i, shoot us a message on the myspace. we would love to hear from you.

cub love,
