in 13 days we begin our adventure. we will drive to Los Angles, get internships, make some short films, and write new music that will undoubtedly be inspired by our experiences. here's our travel plan:
Jan 1st - I, Stephen, drive up to Wheaton and pick up the twins.
Jan 2nd - We leave for LA.
Jan 3-9th - Say your prayers for us while we venture across the U.S. in our '93 Dodge Ram 250 conversion van.

So what does this mean for Tiger Cub? I guess we'll just have to wait and see. we're taking many instruments and all of our recording equipment out with us, so it is quite possible that a new (although i'm sure quite different) EP might appear. we are also traveling with multiple cameras and video cameras... so a music video could come from that. i've really been wanting to a music video (I'd like to do it to "Let's Go Somehwere" if that's ok with the twins. it seems appropriate for the circumstances and that song rules.).
we'll keep this updated while we're away. we'll be back in May... and we'll be itchin' to play some tunes.
Tiger Cub