Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Side dish.

Church of the Immaculate Conception

Ideas. Ideas. Ideas.

I needed to get all my folk ideas out of my head. So recorded this.


Saturday, December 19, 2009

so stoked

in 13 days we begin our adventure. we will drive to Los Angles, get internships, make some short films, and write new music that will undoubtedly be inspired by our experiences. here's our travel plan:

Jan 1st - I, Stephen, drive up to Wheaton and pick up the twins.
Jan 2nd - We leave for LA.
Jan 3-9th - Say your prayers for us while we venture across the U.S. in our '93 Dodge Ram 250 conversion van.

So what does this mean for Tiger Cub? I guess we'll just have to wait and see. we're taking many instruments and all of our recording equipment out with us, so it is quite possible that a new (although i'm sure quite different) EP might appear. we are also traveling with multiple cameras and video cameras... so a music video could come from that. i've really been wanting to a music video (I'd like to do it to "Let's Go Somehwere" if that's ok with the twins. it seems appropriate for the circumstances and that song rules.).

we'll keep this updated while we're away. we'll be back in May... and we'll be itchin' to play some tunes.

Tiger Cub

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

we approve

of cinnamon toast crunch.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

new song and stuff

we are working on recording 2 new EPs at the moment and hope to have them out before Christmas. One of the songs is finished and up on the myspace. It's called "A Sunrise"

Tiger Cub

Monday, November 2, 2009

about last night...

so. some of you may have heard.

Halloween was awesome. started out the day at midnight in Anderson. what a crowd, thanks to all who showed up. it was a sweaty ghoulish time.

then at 9 pm in upland, the biggest house show in upland ever commenced.

Owlsburg played an awesome set.

Osteoferocious played an awesome set. i crowd surfed.

We played... one and a half songs.

and then the cops shut us down. damn.

apparently you could hear us all over upland. thanks to jonathan w. for running sound!

oh well. more shows to come. hopefully law enforcement free.

i want to send thanks to everyone who showed up at 220 joyce for a piece of upland history. that was a lot of fun, sorry for the disappointment, we appreciate the support, thank you!

anyway, things i have been thinking about.

New digital EP in the works.
New digital co-op with Osteo in the works.
I want to do a Christmas EP... with Osteo, perhaps?

Possible title:

o little town of bethlehem (steel) ?

i dig it.

cub love,


Monday, October 26, 2009

Updates, Pekin, Los Angeles, Halloween.

We are currently working on a new EP, probably a free download. Mainly songs that are new//are too bizarre to fit on the album.

Pekin was awesome. Thanks to all who came out. Kudos (bars?) to the crowd surfers.

We have a semi-double header thing going on this weekend, BECAUSE IT'S HALLOWEEN.

On Friday//Saturday Oct. 30th/Oct. 31st we have a midnight show at The Flop in Anderson, IN. with our good mates from Osteoferocious.

Saturday is LABYRINTH PARTY on 220 Joyce St. in Upland, IN. Halloween party with David Bowie and his goblin king greatness.
We'll be playing at 9pm. Again with Osteoferocious!

As you may have known Jamison, Stephen, and I have all been accepted in the Los Angeles Film Studies Program.
Ideally because we all want to help make movies.
Really for all of us, it is a way of testing the waters and seeing if this is the occupation that we want to do after college.

Which means, while we're in LA, no shows. (sad face.)
That doesn't mean no music! I personally hope to put up bizarre, raw, Tiger Cub demos for the people to enjoy.

This isn't the last of our updates either. I'm sure you'll find more updates plaguing this blog.


Friday, October 16, 2009

our first official release

our debut full length album [what's your favorite color?] has officially arrived and we are so stoked on it.

if you would like to buy the album, head over to our myspace and parooze around until you find where the ordering info is. it's not too difficult.

and here's some even more exciting news! we're going to be doing 4 collaborative tracks with our best friends in the world Osteoferocious!!! we're going to write 2 tracks for them to join us on and they're going to write 2 tracks for us to jump on. if all goes well (aka, better than i can even imagine), we could be pressing the 4 tracks on a 7". that would be out of this world!!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

stream our new album!

you can stream our new album [what's your favorite color?] here:

unfortunately you have to click the play button for each individual track, but hey, it's all there. the stream will be up until the album is released October 10th, and then you're out of luck. so listen while you can and then get a copy when it comes out!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

ah, that's the ticket

a better look at the album art.

font got the veto... new design with correct font up soon.

more recording

we're about 3/4 of the way done recording the album and it's sounding better than we could have hoped. there are 13 tracks; 10 full songs and 3 introspective interludes (ha!). one week from now we'll have one or two tracks on the myspace.... one month from now we'll have the entire album pressed, duplicated, and in our hands. mid to late October will be our CD release show. Location of that show is TBA, but we're working on it. wherever it is, Osteoferocious is playing with us whether they like it or not.

Friday, September 11, 2009

album cover

we've finished about 1/3 of our full length and we just got the front cover art today. it rules. the design will be silk screened onto a chipboard CD sleeve (hence the brown background to simulate that).

Tuesday, August 25, 2009



Sunday, August 9, 2009

We read Craig's list.

The pics speak for themselves. Yum!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Dan Deacon and Tiger Cub?

i went and saw the No Deachunter tour. i made sure to slip the tiger mask on to Dan Deacon's table. good times.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009


The summer boredom and cabin fever is getting to me. We want to play some more shows.
Any one?

We have these.

It's as though they looked as excited as we are.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Demo Extravaganza

I deleted the previous to make this one. It's a list of songs you can download and listen to. Just some progress on where our ideas have been going. 

The latest one I made was "Places". I'll put some perspective into it. In a (fragment that is also a run on) sentence.

Mass transit coinciding with the disco deities dressed in black taking the club by storm and finding a nihilistic properties in the members inhabiting the casual lowlife thus leading to an escape to find some kind of metaphysical shelter within the fast paced reality that is modern Futuristic/Neon/Bladerunner City, USA, North America, Planet Earth, Milky Way Galaxy, Sector 23423-XH, Universe Parallel with Gotham City in Batman, the Christopher Nolan one, sorry Tim Burton.

Tell us what you think!


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Summer Plans- in Twillinois

As the close to room temperature summer days come and go in northern illinois, what in the world are the twins doing?
taylor is most likely working overtime at Cantigny Park.
i am most likely puttering around Wheaton College in a daze from 8-4.
but on very special days on the weekends, taylor and i have nothing to do.
so we record music, think out new ideas, watch a youtube video or two, maybe read a book.

Taylor's reading list- Manual for Yamaha CP 25

Jamison's reading list- the Master and Margerita

Taylor loves nonfiction. but maybe we'll go to pitchfork, maybe we'll go to deastro's sure-to-be-awesome show in indianapolis june 28. maybe i'll go to the dunes. taylor will most likely go on a bike ride.
we are all really excited about this fall where maybe we'll record a nice full length, maybe we'll play a considerate amount of shows, and maybe stephen will buy a dog.

i hope to the several people that read this blog that you all have nice summers.
if anyone in on the illinoise (why call it illinois? there are so many other fun possibilities!) end wants to hang out with taylor and i, shoot us a message on the myspace. we would love to hear from you.

cub love,


Sunday, May 31, 2009


stuff we get for free.

things we need:

shows for our tour! we are planning on the week of august 23 - 29. we'd love your help!
i'll keep you kids fed from the illinoise end.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

New addition

looks like this is the newest addition to Tiger Cub.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Summer time = cub separation

As you may know, the three of us all go to college together, but during the summer we are a 4 hour drive from one another (me being in Indiana and the twins in Wheaton). Because of this we aren't really planning shows. If we are asked to play, we'll definitely try and make that happen (i mean, we freakin' love playing shows), but our main objective this summer is to make money and write songs. We are planning a one-week tour at the end of the summer, so hopefully that all works out and we'll be able to see you then.

I'll be posting some song ideas and some of my solo stuff on here throughout the summer. Keep an eye out.

cub love,

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Pekin, IL

Yesterday we drove out to Pekin, IL to play at a graduation party. Well, we didn't know it was a graduation party until we got there... but that just meant a ton of free food, a bonfire, and lots crazy kids who are stoked to finally be out of high school. Our homies Chrystal and Molly went with us. Here's a video of us playing and also some pictures of random other stuff:

Thursday, May 14, 2009

we'll dance all day in the summer heat

Lucas Carter caught some pretty sweet pics of us last night at Stephen Mortland's place.

in other news i got my hair cut quite short today. now i at least appear to be a clean, hygienic individual.


Monday, May 11, 2009


Was awesome

Will be awesome

Will be awesomesauce

I've got myself some Spring fever.


Friday, May 8, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

something i never wanted to know about our president...

Bad Taste

we got kind of angsty the other day and decided to record our song "Illinois" as kind of a indie rock jam. here it is for you to download and share with whomever you please. we would also like to know if you like it... because we might record some more songs this way just for kicks if people seem to think it's snazzy.



Sunday, May 3, 2009

a real update

so i thought that i would give a real update on what Tiger Cub is doing these days.

1. we are constantly trying to find new equipment to make our sound louder and better. so today i started building a 2x12" speaker cab and i'll be making another 2x12" after this one. i found that it's cheaper to build my own than it is to try and buy some.

2. we have 3 weeks of school left and are working our butts of to get our final films done. we're all film majors, so we're busy with that a lot. Jamison is actually making a documentary on our best friends Osteoferocious for his final. should be grand.

3. we have been really influenced by punk and math rock lately and we started a side project where i play drums, Taylor plays guitar, and Jamison plays bass. it's loud and proud and a lot of fun. we're going to record one of the songs this week and put it on here for you to download and listen to.

4. we are playing next Saturday (May 9th) at 917 W. Rex St. in Muncie with our best friends Osteo. Sparrows&Arrows are also playing. there will be a dance party afterward and it would be a total shame if you missed it. be there.

so that's what's up with us. also, I found this video of our bros Osteo on youtube today and i watched it 3 times in a row. it's great.


Monday, April 27, 2009

Shane Claiborne

We're going to see Shane Claiborne speak in about 45 minutes. Should be interesting.

Here's a video from our time at Purdue. Dance party, encore for the drunk dude, sea foam green... it's all there.

Dance parties and drunkards

Last Friday we played for Youth Conference at our university. There were hundreds of kids there and the dance party got pretty insane. We were actually told to take a break at one point because it was getting too rowdy. Awesome.

Then on Saturday we went to Purdue to hang out with our friends and play some music in their apartment. Afterward we had a dance party that lasted for a good hour and a half. That's pretty much how every show of ours end up being like... we play and then we just throw on some sweet jams and have a dance party. I couldn't ask for anything better. After all the dancing and good times were over some drunk dude came in and was so bummed that he missed it that he made us play a song for him. Then I gave him one of our CDs and he said that he was going to cherish it forever. Now he's probably wondering where the heck he got a CD from some band called Tiger Cub.

On our way home from Purdue one of our brakes locked up and we had to call AAA. it ended up not being a big deal and we made it home alright... just 2 1/2 hours later than expected. At least it was a beautiful day.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


the three of us are sitting in the radio studio here at our school (Taylor University) and blasting some electronic jams over the airwaves. I, Stephen, have a show called The Midwest Music Scene where I play bands from Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, and Indiana. That broadcasts at 9pm on Thursdays and then at 10 our show SNTHSZR comes on the air and we just make people dance with groovy electro beats.

we're playing for hundreds of high school kids tomorrow. no joke. i'm nervous.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Speed Racer

I have watched the movie Speed Racer 3 times in the last 3 weeks. That movie is way under-rated.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Let's Go Somewhere

new song called "Let's Go Somewhere" is up on the myspace. so go here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(p.s. you can listen to our whole discography on

Monday, April 20, 2009


we recorded a new jam today (that's us in our jank "recording studio"). It'll be up sometime tomorrow night. It's called Let's Go Somewhere and it's about vampires who fall in love with werewolves. you'll love it.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

2 new songs

2 new songs were created today. we'll debut them at Purdue next weekend. so many good times to come.

now it's time for all of us to go hookah on the porch after a successful day of writing, eating pizza, and watching 2 Wes Anderson films.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

just about perfect.

chips and salsa

we're sittin' at my house eating chips and salsa, watching the Yeah Yeah Yeahs on Letterman, and staring in wonder and awe at how Craig Ferguson opened his show tonight. Incredible.

as promised, here's the video from our weekend outings:

Monday, April 13, 2009

2 weekends, 5 shows, 2 dance parties, and a photoshoot

The last 2 weekends have been super rad.

April 2, 3, and 4 we played with our hometown bros Osteoferocious. April 2nd was in my garage, the 3rd was at The Pour House in Montpelier, and the 4th was in Muncie in a basement of a house on Rex Street. All of them were fun, but the show on Rex St. was by far the best. Unfortunately we forgot a still camera for the weekend, but i did take some video which i'll be posting later.

Now on to this weekend. What follows is going to be few words and a whole lot of pictures... because we did remember a still camera this time and we went kind of crazy with it.

Thursday, April 9th we took off for Ft. Wayne where we met up with our good friend Lucas who took some promo shots for us. One of which is the header of this blog, but some more of these great shots can be viewed here.

-Burger King veggie burgers and Sun Chips get us pretty stoked.-
-Our good friend who loves hittin' the road with us: JT-

Friday, April 10th we drove to Michigan City to The Creephole to jam with our bros Pisces At The Animal Fair and Wolf Recovery Program. This dude who calls himself Psychic Attack of the Psyduck also came and blew our minds with some Girl Talk-esque mash-ups. Crazy good stuff.

-The Creephole living room-
-Wolf Recovery Program-

-Hersh, PATAF-

-Tyler, PATAF-


-best bros-


-Tiger Force!-
After the show we drove up to Stevensville, MI where we crashed at our friend Nate's house. His house is massive. It was so rad. Jamison even took a jacuzzi bubble bath in this huge bathroom upstairs (see photo below, but mentally prepare yourself first). We woke up Saturday morning and went to the Michigan dunes. We had an awesome time just chillin' and jumping off the dunes. Around 3:30 we took off for Riverside, IL where we played in the basement of a house with Findeck and PATAF. There were a whole lot of kids there but it got super hot once we started playing and everyone started dancing around. I was kind of excited to sit down and cool off after we were done. After the show we went to Fred's Diner with Pisces and got some breakfast for dinner. mmmmm...

-Bubble Bath!!-

-our good friend Nate-

-Donnie lookin' cute-
Sunday we spent the day at the twins' house in Wheaton and had a chill Easter. Kind of nice to just slow down after the busy semster we've all been having. We got up Monday morning and drove back to Indiana and now I'm about to leave my house and go see Observe and Report. I heard it sucked, but oh well. here are a couple more great pics:

-It's Taylor and Jamison!! hahahaha!!!-

-a band favorite beverage-

-We take Bobby with us on the road-


Video of all this madness will be up later this week.
